"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
Saturday, July 4, 2009
In case of PMS Emergency...
I can't give up on the humor! The 'glass' is made from a discarded brad box.
Gecko Galz - Natures Child
Hello Friends - this month's theme at Gecko Galz is Natures Child. I had
loads of fun with this challenge and here is what I created...
My first crea...
NEW CLASS! Doodle & Let Go
Hello, creative friends! I am excited to announce my new class Doodle & Let
Doodle & Let Go- A 30-Day Intuitive Art Journey
First DT sample and video for Blockwallah!
Here's my first sample as a Design Team member for *Blockwallah*! I had
great fun with this, recycling a shadow box frame I got from a charity shop.
A Little Coy -Paint Party Friday
Here's my latest attempt at making a coy pond on a rock. He turned out to
be quite fat! However I think fat fish are happy, so I'm satisfied.
I am hav...
The Emerald Jar
*The Emerald Jar*
16 x 20 oil painting
by Pat Fiorello
You may have noticed I'm not posting to my blog as frequently as in the
past. There are 2 re...
Apakah Manajemen Klinik Kecantikan Itu Penting?
Manajemen klinik kecantikan sama pentingnya dengan dunia kerja sebagai alat
yang digunakan orang-orang itu dalam perdagangan mereka. Ini juga membantu
Ever since I received the most beautiful card from my amazingly talented
Aussie friend Suzy, using her gorgeous eco dyeing/printing, I wanted to try
it out...
Blissfulll Newsletter ( December 2018)
Welcome to the Blissfull ATC swap
Thank you for all the fabulous ideas for next years swaps. Only one more
for this year.
We are now entering the Holid...
Taking a break from PPF
Things are revving up in regards to moving so I
really need to be spending more time packing and
less time on the computer. I am sorry that I will miss
Glue Book Revisited
Hello my dear friends,
for today's Simply Neutrals Tuesday over at AppleApricot I choose a few of
my Glue book pages which I did a few years ago. Yes, tim...
Saturday Image Bonus 361
As promised here are a few of the pages from the inside of the 1905 New
York Fashions catalog from the previous post. They sure did have style
back in th...
Practical tips for making giant paper flowers
I've been making giant paper flowers for a Valentine dinner at church, some
over a foot in diameter. (Maybe "large" is a better description than
"giant", ...
Free Halloween Collage Sheet Fright Night
I just retired this cute little Halloween collage sheet from my little etsy
store and am offing it to you for free! Great for making Halloween
2017: Year of the Dog
2016 ended up being "Year of the Cat" for me after I finally fulfilled my
promise of a cat calendar. And the calendar had a great response, in fact
the on...
Healing Plantar Fasciitis
*Stretch your calf and hamstring muscles by doing the stretches in the
photos. Below I explain how I do the stretch upon first getting out of bed
in the mo...
Our son Jonathan ( executive Chef) and partner Stephanie ( event planner &
pastry Chef) have departed Black Star Farm in Suttons Bay. Bittersweet for
Blue Monday - Blue Gift
Hello! Welcome to *Blue Monday!* For complete instructions, just click here.
Please leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit and leave one
for y...
Novel Approach - Art Journal Workshop
Tammy Garcia at Daisy Yellow
is a font of creative inspiration.
The inside of her head must be such a beautiful place!
(You may recall that she is responsibl...
Happy New Year 2016 !
Happy to be back to blogging and I am hoping to share and pay it forward as
many arty tips as I can.
My niece asked me for a calendar for her office. As ...
Almost the New Year and Going Private
Hello Everyone,
It is so hard to believe that it is almost time for the New Year. Can you
believe it? 2015 went by at record speed for me.
I have take...
Banana Pudding Pie
Banana Pudding Pie
I have been craving comfort food lately. Maybe it is the change of the
seasons. The cooler nights. Whatever it is, Banana Pudding Pie...
My Patchwork Pouch
This post follows on from the previous one.
This is the zippered pouch I made for myself.
The patchwork is a little more uniform this time as I used
Gejolak di Nusakambangan
[image: http://yesfmcilacap.com/modules/news/images/506ea627b43f4.jpg]
"Semua orang dari Kampung Laut dan Selok Jero yang mengunjungi penjara di
Moving on to other things !
As you may have noticed I don't blog anymore , but rather than just leave
things open I thought I would make some closure here :)
Everything is ok with ...
I Painted A Rock!
You may have noticed that I have done little to no new artwork over the
past 10 months or so, other than making fused glass "wishing stars". There
are thre...
Wishes to all.....
*for a wonderful Christmas....one filled with love and joy!!!*
digital art by me!
thanks to all the sources for the images,backgrounds,textures,overlays!!
LifeBook 2014 week 37
This art journal page was inspired by Carissa Page's lesson for LifeBook
2014 that combined collage images into a figure. I found my images in
Looooooooooong Time Since I Posted!!!!
Sometimes life just gets in the way and I rarely have time to sit down and
post. I sometimes think that I should give up the blog and just maintain
life in...
Fabric Collage
I recently completed this collage for a wonderful blogging friend.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by my nest!
Take Care - *Robin*
I'm Back!
I cant tell you how excited I am to start blogging again. I had quit
blogging due to personal issues and even though I could have started again
long ago I...
Artymess Advent Calendar days 13 and 14 and 15.....
Went to London today to see my daughter who is expecting a baby on
Christmas Eve ....drove past Harrods and some lovely bridges on the
Embankment ........ ...
T and U are for THE UNTHINKABLE.
T and U are for THE UNTHINKABLE.
I missed last week so am combining T and U this week.
I want to share with you our unthinkable struggle.
My daughte...
Make Your Own Shimmery Sprays
I had been in love with sprays when the Moonglo's first came out and with
the advent of (among others) glimmer mists and dylusions my addiction
really too...
Winner! Winner! of the Traveling Stash Box
* Hi ladies so sorry it took me so long to get this out.. *
*I cannot for the life of me figure out how to post that *
*Random Generator on here... *
New Bling bracelets coming to Alabama!
*These were a huge hit at my Barn Sales last year...New designs coming for
Spring and Summer!*
*Coming soon to Alabama....*
Can I blog from my phone
I got a new phone and this is a test post. I use facebook mainly now and
have neglected my blog.
Here are photos from my repurposed Somerset Studio 2007 ...
I helped a friend recently with her grandmother's typewriter - repaired,
serviced, overhauled, cleaned, oiled, changed some parts, spray painted her
Post holidays and illness
Hello Blogger friends,
I missed wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and New Year but it was
spent in hospital for a couple of weeks. I went in the 22nd...
I am no longer blogging here at
Jan's Arty Journey....
I've started a new Blog
and moved here....
So if you want to see what I'm up too
pop over and visit me...
Challenge 96 Winner
Apologies for the late announcement of the winner for Challenge 96. The
lucky person that has won the beautiful meteal embellishments from Kort
Hobby is.....
EXPAND the POSSIBLES new Blog Site
You know what it is like when the clock chimes at 2.30am and you have been
awake for hours, you can't get back to sleep, sooo... you switch the
computer o...
Merry Christmas Dear Friends...
The best part of this magical time of year is being with those we love,
our family and friends who make our lives so very special and meaningful.
More Zentangles
I am still tangling in my spare time. I find it very relaxing - great
stress buster. I am working in a hard back journal so I can keep them ...
Pretty in Pink
Well....I had some grandiose plans last week. I had every intention of
doing a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. I know some survivors...and
some not...
A wonderful crafty morning...
Today is my day off...woo hoo! I have to go with my Mom to a pre-hearing
conference for her ongoing dispute with Tx Workers Comp - her hearing is
next wee...
Craquele Technique
I have been asked how I did the craquele on my little girl ATC from last
week, so I made some little embellishments and took step by st...
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