"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Monday, December 21, 2009

Button Fairies

I had a lot of fun making button fairies this Christmas. Here are just some of them:

Three favorite cats: Lovey, who went to the Rainbow Bridge this year; Little Bit, who used to live with me, and now lives with my sister-in-law in Florida; and Earnest, a co-workers very important feline.
These are my cats: Left is Grady, who is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge, Right is Tooky, who has a loooooooooooong expressive tail, and in the middle, Fanny, the Queen of the House.
Some of my co-workers.

Some of my grandchildren. That's ME as a child on the left, Katie in the middle, and Lily on the right. Mason is below.


  1. These are fantastic Jeanie!
    ...and all those fabby buttons!! ;)

    Jan x

  2. I love these, they are so much fun, and the buttons are fab too.

  3. lol Jeannie, they look terrific, love the long tails !!!

    i think im going to pinch that idea and do that with a tree next year at work with my co workers!
    Merry Christmas jeannie...

  4. Hi JeanieBeanie
    these are precious. Love the characters. Might have to use this idea in the future.
    Merry Christmas Sistah.

  5. These are fab - I love the cat ones the best! I'm hoping to have a go at some soon too - can't wait!
    Happy Christmas xx
