"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bloggerette Sorority - Rush!

I joined the sorority right after the 'rush' challenge - the very first order of business.  Even though I missed the original deadline, I wanted to complete the challenge - which was to take the sorority photo (see right side of blog) and make something with it - anything.  I made this 2-1/2 inch by 3-1/2 inch Artist Trading Card. I used brayered paper for the background.  The paper was heavy weight bond and acrylic paint was used.  I decided I wanted to tint the photo, a technique that was used on many photos from the early 1900's.

To complete the 'rush' challenge, we had to post a photo of ourselves holding what we made.  This is so that we can all get acquainted with each other.  So here I am:

Disclaimer: This was taken at work, around 7:00 am and I don't think I was awake yet!  LOL!
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!


  1. Love the trading card! Looks like you are very talented, so glad you joined the sisterhood!
    Terrie - Colorado

  2. Hey jeanie, what a great idea. what an early start.... great photo!jenxo

  3. You have done a wonderful job Jeanie....gorgeous ATC and just love the tinting...
    Think posting a photo of you with your card is a great way to acquaint yourself with others online doing the same challenge...

  4. Hey there! You did it! YAY! I love that a- especially the tinting. And good for you for even having your eyes open wide at 7AM. Me - I'm still working on my first cup of coffee at that time.
    Looking forward to lots more creative ideas coming from you!
    Have a great day and a very safe 4Th of July!!
    Karen ~ Some days are diamonds

  5. Now why didnt I think of that ? I Love making atc's, Great to meet you sister!

  6. Hi, from New Jersey! Great take on the photo. Glad to meet another sister.

  7. Your rush is great, love the birght colours. Love your blog too!
